Hello, I'm Chariend. I am currently an undergraduate student studying medical science, holding various interests which include media, communications, writing, dance, sport, music and of course science.
Welcome to my blog: Chariend Talks Science!
My aims for the blog are, but not limited to:
1. Give scientific accounts of medical news which are published in the media
2. Highlight particular areas of medical science I personally find interesting
3. Post reviews of science-orientated courses (which are not part of my university course) that I undertake.
Furthermore, I hope to give my thoughts and opinions where necessary on the scientific accounts that I post. Please note that these accounts are by no means targeted to a particular niche/group of individuals of a particular intellectual ability. With the knowledge I gain through my university course, I hope to communicate to you effectively a good scientific understanding about what is posted in the media. These include, but are not limited to, understanding the life cycle and replication ability of the Ebola virus and understanding cancer treatments.
Thank-you for taking the time to stop by my blog and please expect a few updates in the next coming weeks - so do stick around. Whilst you are waiting, why not head over to my other blog, chariendupdates.blogspot.com, where I give university advice and updates on my fashion and entertainment preferences.
Please feel free to leave comments, opinions and/or suggestions of future posts you would like to see.